Writing Projects
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This essay delves into the psychological foundations of horror in video games, emphasizing how limitations in information and resources intensify tension and enhance player immersion. Drawing on Kristeva's Abject, Burke's Sublime, and Jung's Shadow, the analysis explores the incorporation of these theories in Dead Space, Darkwood, and Mouthwashing.
“There is nothing, only warm Primordial blackness,” time drifting ever so slowly in the miasma. A single thought of the past, a lover, comes to mind in this darkness. Your ancient reptilian brain begs for forgiveness and wants nothing more than to cease existing, no? Possibly, to return to a simpler time, a dance with disco. Your Limbic System feels a great fire roar inside your skull. A Cacophony ensues.
In this essay, I will examine the ludo-narrative, themes of transhumanism, Ship of Theseus, and indirect characterization through motifs in Cyberpunk 2077. Through an examination of the game's story, dialogue, and mechanics, I highlighted the game's strengths and weaknesses and offered insights into what made it such a standout title in the video game industry.
A dystopian psychological horror story about an agoraphobic woman grappling with her personal fears, with the help of her new neural support implant, she may one day see the sunrise.
Nettle is a spine-chilling first-person horror game inspired by the style of "KittyHorrorShow" that delves deep into the personal struggles and everyday insecurities of the game's protagonists. Through the eyes of the character, players will be thrust into a nightmarish world where their fears manifest in terrifying ways